Thank you for analyzing this type of Zone. I'm really interested in tactical matter in Water Polo (men up/down, pressing, blocks...etc.).

Just a question... How would you attack a Zone like this? I mean, if a defending team apply this kind of Zone to me while I'm on the attack phase, how I could react to broke down it and take an advantage?

Do you remember which was the match between Brescia and Pro Recco?

Thank you very much for the great support, effort and job you do for developing technical Water Polo matters.

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You're welcome. Thank you for reading.

I've tried to find the first instance of this zone in a Brescia vs Pro Recco game. It's been a few years now and I can't remember if it was the Italian championship or in LEN Championship so tracking it down has been tough. Plus, I don't spend that much time looking for it either. If you re-watch any of the Tokyo Olympic games you'll see the defense pop up a lot.

You'll see teams move into a double post. The left side deep wing, as you look at the cage from half, drives into the post and puts the their back on the nearest defender to hold inside water. Then the left side flat drives down to the vacated wing spot while looking for the ball. When they get the ball they might have a quick shot on the goal but they're really looking for the new post-up with inside position to drop the ball to get an exclusion or penalty.

If it's not there then they're in a double post and they have two triangles to work.

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I had a comment somewhere else that said Telimar's coach, Baldineti, came up with this defense first.

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